Saturday, June 24, 2017


How far would I have to fly before I started missing
Earth, deep brown pull of its soil, finite curve

of its edges? Tossed into sky, the heart empties itself
of gravity, no space in space for clutter, the weight

of words where nothing is heavy. If I could float
untethered, I would never return, this planet, a pearl

in an oyster world, shiny with dirt; this longing
a need to disappear, to fall away like a star.

- Tania de Rozario

30th April: Brief Reprieve

The day I submitted my first major assignment, we decided to chill outtttt for a bit. 

Swedish lunch. 

Non Swedish dog. 

Homemade sushi time! 

Haha my squished sushi pieces. 

Loving all the cuddles from his aunties. 


Soooooo tired from playing. 

Sangria time! 

Waiting for mami to be done with the shower. 


Practical Aim

After great pain, what would the body learn
that it does not already know of relief?

when that fire truck has raged past,
what do I rediscover about silence,

except that I would always miss it?
Do trees mind if it is the same wind

that passes through their heads everyday?
After the mall is completed, must we

remember the field it inhabits now
where we chased each other as children?

If my lover fails to wake me with a kiss
a third time this week, do I worry?

After the earthquake, would it matter if
no one saw two dogs from different

families approach each other
without suspicion, then moving apart?

As the workers wash their faces hidden
by helmets that beam back the sun,

should they care about the new building
behind them beyond the fear of it falling?

Does solitude offer strength over time,
or is denial of it the only practical aim?

If my mother cannot see how else
to be happy, is it enough that she may lie

in bed, convinced God watches her sleep?
After severe loss, what does the heart

learn that it has not already understood
about regret? When all light finally

forsakes a room, do we take the time
to interrogate the dark, and to what end?

- Cyril Wong

Photo Update: 19th - 29th April

This post chronicles a rather busy period where I was mostly preoccupied with assignments. I did nothing much other than cooking, eating, and taking pics of Tofu (of course lol).

Chubby baby. 

Baked fish and potatoes for dinner. 

Puppy preschool! 

It's a puppy circle! 

This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. 

All pooped out after playing with all his friends at school!

Aunty Huimin came over to do some work. 


Cooking with mami. 

Eating with mami haha. 

FRIESSSS to help us survive the BLADES assignment. 

Beautiful sunset cheered me up after hours of writing. 

Rewarded myself one night with indomee and bacon hehe. 

Aunty Jo came over for cuddles! 

Give me some cereal mami! 

Labelled my keys. 

Look at his tiny baby teeth! (Most of them are gone now :'))

Bath time isn't his favourite. 

Like a little evil doge here. 

All clean! 

Showers are exhausting. 

I'm gonna eat mami's breakfast!

The start of "alone time" training. 

Casual dinner. 

On daddy's birthday! 

Free samples of homemade mac and cheese at school! 

Came home to a crying and limping Tofu, who was incidentally kept in his crate that day, so we all had no idea how he could have possibly hurt his foot. Brought him to the vet just in case. 

Met a huge floofy!

He came home all clear but was booked to do an X-ray the next day. 

Poor baby was subdued the rest of the night and we missed his last puppy preschool lesson and graduation ): 

I was so sad dropping him off early in the morning the next day before heading to uni, but it seems that he had lots of cuddles from the nurses and even helped them with work! 

What a spoilt little baby. 

Picked him up and he came to uni with me because I couldn't make it back home in time. He was still groggy from the GA and napped throughout my class. 

Cuddles from Aunty Yesenia! 

My poor baby all pooped out. 

The test results all came back clear. We were basically out of upwards of $700 for nothing, but we were glad to have the peace of mind. 

Break time with ma bro and sis. 

Cuddles with Uncle Kaykay! 


The day my darling nephew was born :') 

Pork belly rice cooked by yours truly. 

Silly pupper acting like humans!

He LOVES pig's ears, he will ignore everything and everyone when he's on them. 

Selfcare time with doggo! 

Grateful for this little bub with me during the crazy writing days, this was only the beginning too <3