Monday went by pretty smoothly. This girl came down to my place to borrow jackets and coats for her Perth trip. Then we went for some noms at Macs, hehe.
Excited about shakerfries!
Tuesday was manageable for once because I skipped two classes (oops) and sat in mostly alert for the remaining 4 hours after which I met Juli for dinner, it was pretty nice (:
Wednesday spent on meetings & study.
Then to the Swedish Ambassador's House for a Swede event! (:
The food was goooood.
Good time catching up even though our whole party wasn't present.
Thursday mornings are always tiresome, it was an eventful day! Had class, interviews, lunch & then coaching :3
Quick lunch break with Hazel!
She gave me cheesecake :D
Dinner and study at school with Hazie & Heather after coaching, it was a long but extremely productive day!
Breakfast at home on a Friday morning to celebrate not being at school.
Haven't had this in ages!
Finally got to meet the boy whom I hadn't seen all week, walked around and spent some time with him before meeting the others to celebrate Ashley's 20th birthday!
KTV at Rendevouz's Teo Heng, here's Ashley with her cake (which we couldn't finish) :D

Such a qtpie <3
Me being grumpy about studying.

And he got me an adorable little kitty box. The kitty pops up and mews before pulling coins into the box, I love it so so much.
Activity for the rest of the night, hehe.
Love my qt :3
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