Thursday, October 26, 2017

19th - 22nd August 2017

Woke up to see red sores on Tofu's hind legs, immediately took him to the vet. 

They decided to inspect the wound on his back again, and the outcome was terrifying. 

They shaved off more hair to look at the wound and the more they shaved the more scary shit they found. 

The vet said that it looked like some kind of allergy but the wound patterns were so random and strange and unlike anything he had ever seen before, so he did not know what it was. He contacted a pet dermatologist. 

Did not spoil Tofu's appetite though. 

Poor little bae couldn't sleep in his crate with the cone. 

He couldn't sleep from the discomfort ): 

Waiting for a response from the specialist, but it was friday so the blood work wasn't out for her to look at yet. 

My poor half bald baby. 

I was trying to fill his cone with popcorn but he was having none of that haha. 

He's gonna miss Celine when she leaves ): 

Easy one tray lunch for my lunchbox. 

Sangria night! 

Housemate BBQ night (: 

Then movie times for us, wrapped up in thick blankets lol. 

Trimming the doge's hair because it was getting all stuck on his wounds ):

Silly pup got so clingy and kept lying down on MY spot, even though the bed is huge. 

The next day I received a call from the vet while I was in lecture, to bring Tofu in ASAP for a full biopsy because they suspected that he was in a bad way. I rushed home to get him. 

It was a pretty traumatic experience to be honest, thankfully the vet team was really great <3 

Thanks Taylor :') 

Poor boy was all groggy from his procedure. 

Broke my heart to see all the puncture marks they made to collect samples and the markings they made to track the progression of the condition. 

He was a little cold because he was not used to not having fur on his back ): 

Trying my best to make him comfortable because he couldn't fit into his crate with the cone. 

I was so worried for Tofu because we had no idea what was going on except that it was bad. Sam flew in the next day to take over when I left home for clinic.

So glad to leave for home to see my two boys. 

We had Nene Chicken for dinner and that made the anxiety a lot better for for a bit hehe. 

So hungry looking at this right now. 

Poor boy, but at least he had both mami and daddy. 


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