Despite not doing much, it seems that we haven't had much time to do anything at all. Have yet to touch any of my books and I'm still only up to sifting through day 2 of our Paris photographs. My my. I will catch up on this backlog asap!
Dinner on the plane! They ran out of the western option (chicken with potatoes) so we had the Chinese option which was fish with rice. Wasn't fantastic, but alright!
Because I cannot get on a plane without taking advantage of free liquor right? This was surprisingly sweet and smooth.
Think this was breakfast! Omelette was good :3
Trying to navigate our way through Paris airport.
Hotel bathroom! I can't find the bedroom pix..
Bought 3-day metro passes (I lost mine on the second day -.-).
First stop was the Arc de Triomphe! This was one of my favourites because it was so effortlessly beautiful. Easy to photograph as well.
Waiting in line for what we thought was Petit Palais, but turned out to be the Grand Palais.
Glenn queuing with a bunch of oldies, hahaha.
Pretty museum passes!
The exhibition on display were works of Vallotton, a very extensive one at that.
Found the real Petit Palais!
Was slightly upset because the architecture inside was way way way more impressive than the Grand Palais but by this time, my camera battery had died so I had to use my iPhone which clearly isn't the same thing..
Loved this place like crazy, admission was free as well (unlike the Grand Palais which was 9euros each for students under 26)!
Went back to our hotel to rest and recharge.
Lunch at a cafe/restaurant near our hotel.
Playing with a random pup!
Metro station!
Qt with his owner. A lot of the beggars on the street have dogs.
All of their buildings are beautifully constructed, hard to believe that many of them are just regular malls or random residential buildings - they are just as beautiful as the buildings which house museums and monuments.
Dream come true
The interior was insanely big, we spent 3 hours walking like crazy and were so exhausted. Couldn't even finish walking through a quarter of the museum. 
The coveted Mona Lisaaaaaaa
My favourite room in the Louvre
Saying goodbye to the Louvre!
We ended our first day at the supermarket getting snacks. Since we started our day at 6am, we were dead beat, fell asleep around 9.30pm.
I'll be back with day 2 pictures soon, wayyyy more there! :3
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