I'm done with the photographs from day 2! Have the most photographs for this day because we visited so many places! Even had to go back to the hotel to charge up my camera because it ran out barely before midday! Am working on day 3 and 4 and they should be up soon (:
One of the better breakfasts we had at a cafe near our hotel. It was named after the street itself, St George's! Thought it was interesting how most of the breakfast sets came with both a cup of hot chocolate and a cup of orange juice.
Our first stop was the Musee d'Orsay which was my absolute favourite for the entire 4 days (comes close to the Petit Palais except we spent too little time there). Saw all our favourite Impressionist paintings and absolutely beautiful architecture (:
It was a beautifully sunny day, made for great photographs :3
Just people enjoying the good weather.
Worth every penny!
Little kids having an excursion! They're so lucky to be able to come to one of the most famous museums in Paris at such a young age. The only excursion I ever went on in primary school was maybe.. to the zoo?
Impressionist section at the top!
My favourite Degas painting in the flesh <3
I also wrote about this painting for my Arts paper :p
Hazel's favourite! It was so crazy amazing to see all the paintings right in front of me after weeks and weeks and weeks of seeing them being projected on the screen and hearing Dawsy emphasising and re-emphasising about how much more beautiful they are in real life.
Was rather excited to see Olympia as well!
One of the more affordable lunches we found! 8.5euros for a super long sandwich with a drink and dessert shared between the two of us (:
Super sunny, regretted not bringing my shades out!
Glenn by the Seine River!
Saw shops along the road selling amazing paintings and books!
We were walking along the Seine River looking for Saint Chapelle and came across the Pont de l'Archevechefasf! It was super beautiful, colour locks everywhere and couples fastening more as we looked on.
Exterior of Saint Chapelle which I couldn't exactly get a good shot of because there was construction blocking certain angles.
I love this so much.
Next stop was the famous Notre Dame! I actually liked the Saint Chapelle more because it was smaller and quaint (+ I loved the purple stained glass), but this was way more majestic in every aspect - size, architecture, lights etc.
My camera battery died somewhere along this part and I was devastated because I could only use my iPhone to take photographs. It was too dark for a mere phone to capture the lights and the stained glass properly :S
Actually forgot to bring the address/find the directions to the Shakespeare & Company Bookstore, but it turned out to be super near Notre Dame!
There were two levels, both of which were packed with people milling around and browsing. There was also little sections where you can sit down and just read, if we had more time I would've loved to stay there for a while.
My favourite.

Was so reluctant to leave!
Went back to our hotel to crash, relax and charge up all the electronics. Then we decided to take the city bus to the Eiffel Tower (as opposed to the metro, so we could check out the city lights).
You would think that after seeing so many photographs of the Eiffel Tower online, one would be unfazed by it but... Nope, it was absolutely breathtaking, especially with the lights at night. We didn't take any more photographs after this, but later in the night, there were blue blinking lights as well!
Nutella & Banana Crepe!
We went food hunting by the Seine River
The food wasn't actually as good as our faces indicate, hahahaa.
Got soup and fries! The soup looked and smelt so good especially in the cold, but it actually tasted a little strange.
It was a little dark at night and we couldn't find a metro so we thought we'd take a bus back again, however we missed our stop and ended up at this huge interchange where there was buses/trains/metro. This train station takes you to other countries, there were people coming and going to various places!
Anddddd this concluded our night, we figured out a train route and collapsed back into our hotel room :3
Got to be up pretty early tomorrow for my morning class and am feeling rather nervous, excited at the same time though! Hope everything goes well! I couldn't finish my readings because it was just too damn much but I'm sure (I hope...) that this won't pose too big a problem. Goodnight!
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