Friday, April 24, 2020

19th - 20th July 2019: Friday Night Drinks x Puppies

Someone super excited to see me take his bones out of the freezer. 

For a fun Friday night ahead! 

Brought his bone out so he could enjoy himself while we enjoyed our food and drankz. 

Though it seems we did spend a lot of time fawning over how cute he was.

Caught sight of other doges. 


Fav aunt!

Not wanting to rise on a Saturday morning. 

Took Tofu for grooming at Tina's Ark and hung out with allll the puppies while I waited hehe. 

Darling Xiao Max is soooo gentle and cuddly. 

He looks like a puppy but I think he's already 9! 

This baby was only 4 months old so she was super boisterous. 

On the way home all clean. 

Giving daddy kisses <3 

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