Wednesday, April 22, 2020

5th - 8th June 2019: PH x Weekend

Lazy pepper just wanted to snooze after breakfast. 

Lobster roll and bisque for our lunch date :3 

Was really excited to watch The Secret Life of Pets II, it wasn't as good as the first but I loved watching it with my cutie (who did  not want to be pictured). 

We visited his friend and their bubz!

Home to our own boy. 

We got him a free bowtie from the movies!

Walkie time!! 

"Where are we going mum?" 

To meet Mumu!

Godbros greeting each other. 

Bringing our dogs out is always fun. We're always trying to toggle between catching up, eating, and keeping our eye on the kids. It's quite a circus act. 

Softest baby ever!!! 

Super enthusiastic Taiwan spitz x samoyed. 

Look at it bounce! 

Could stay still enough for a pic haha. 

Sent him back home for a rest! 

Cuddles before I left for my dinner appointment. 

With my bestie! 

So good <3

She bought Tofu treats from America! As she always does :') 

Tiny cups for our tiny tummies hehehe. 

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