Hahahaha this buggy has a name.
Fully oven cooked lunch! I had this twice a week for 8 weeks because I was just too damn tired to cook anything more elaborate. I just chopped up sweet potato, broccoli, sausages/chicken, and mushroom and threw them in the oven haha.
Hi I'm home!
Last day of clinic and we also celebrated Amanda's birthday!
Final lunch together.
Home to my sweetie pie who's super unglamorous.
Posing with the card and chocolates that my client gave me on our last day together :')
Loving the cuddles.
Rubbing his wounds on my bed, eeks.
What a handsome boy.
Dinner with Caleb and Celine.
Doge chilling while we jammed for a bit.
Good morning mami.
Off for his weekly check up!
Met Ollie the Great Dane puppy!
You're always so happy :3
Niceee :3
"Give me some mami!!"
Needy puppy.
All the pictures are so nice. Wish you a belated happy birthday. FREE MCX TIPS TRIAL