Monday, May 7, 2018

Domestic Duties

I woke up early today to get my flu vaccination for the year (it's mandatory for speech pathologists as we work with lots of people who are susceptible to illnesses). I came home barely an hour later to an excited Tofu who ripped up a bunch of stuff that he somehow managed to scavenge from the bin. I reprimanded him severely and he has been lying down in self-induced shame ever since.

It's been quite a stressful couple of days and I only managed to fix a number of things late last night. Since I got home well before 12, I decided to cook myself a proper lunch instead of heating up unhealthy stuff. Since I had left over chicken, I decided to make risotto! It is taking quite some time though and I am terrible at estimating how much rice I need. Spoiler: I put in way too much rice lol. I can probably feed more than 6 people right now - oops.

I'm thinking of taking the day off to just relax and recoup before start work again tomorrow (:

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