Friday, May 4, 2018

On our shoulders

A very wise and trusted mentor once told me that the road ahead of me would be tough, simply because I care so much and so deeply about a great number of things. He said this with gentle alacrity, and I understood that he has experienced life in a similar way. He told me that this is a burden that a number of us have to carry throughout our lives, and while it is not always easy (in fact it is often difficult), it is very much necessary. When we care, we suffer, but we also have the propensity to make change; little as it may seem at times. And when we truly feel and hurt for the ones who cannot help themselves, then we can fully throw ourselves into advocating for them.

Never disparage your capability to empathise and to take on someone else's sorrow or burden. Your ability to care makes you strong, it means that you were meant to fight. And fighting does not always have to manifest in anger or big gestures. The smallest things/actions can make an positive impact. All you need to do is begin.

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