Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Kino Diary 8 May

On our third day together:

She got scolded first thing in the morning because she peed in the kitchen, haha it was so difficult keeping a straight face because she's so adorable. 

It was so lovely to have a little fluffball just hanging out together. 

Brought her for a walk with daddy! The sun was blazing but she had so much fun! 

Quick bath after that because the ground was slightly ground and she rolled a lot. She was such a good girl during the bath! 

Showing her off after she was nicely cleaned and blow-dried and brushed :3 

She was mighty exhausted after the exciting walk! 

Being berated for not using the pee pan again. 

Cuddling her for a bit before we went out for dinner! 

Mum's lovely friend gave us a steamboat treat!

Rushed home to cuddle a sleepy puppy after! She perked right up after this photo and started galloping around again, she makes my heart swell (: 

Kino Diary 6&7 May

So I mentioned a couple of posts back that I had taken care of a friend's puppy at my home for a couple of days. She was with us for just shy of a week and it was so lovely having a little fluffball around. Of course I took hundreds of photographs of her during her time here. I also took 2 days off just to spend time with her, so... Here is a photo diary:

So on the first night, she was due to arrive around 8.30pm at my place. The boy very graciously offered to come over to help out with getting her settled so I met him after work and we made our way down. We were stuck in terrible traffic and only reached my estate (sans dinner) around 8.30pm so I was freaking out a little. Thankfully, Kathy (Kino's real mummy) was running a little late too so we had time to eat and get settled before she arrived. 

She was such a happy little teddy and she loved Sam :3 

Woke up early to feed her but she's pretty picky and usually only eats dinner (because she's starving from not having breakfast lol). The line of kibble was my attempt to make eating fun for her haha. 

Snuck her into my bedroom when no one was around and we made her self pretty comfy with her new friends. 

Just chilling. I spent a large amount of time in the living area when she was around because my mum didn't want her in the bedrooms. 

Lunch company. 

Brought her out for a short walk and she loved it! 

Washing her little feet when we came back. 

Quick cuddle in bed for a rest. I was actually down with a terrible flu and sore throat so I had to lie down for a bit, especially since we had a birthday celebration for Tim in the evening! 

Dragged my sickly sniffly body out to meet these fun guys for the celebration! 

My throat was dying but this was undeniably tasty. 


All dem boys. 


Came home to play with this little baby

It's so great when someone is so excited to see you come home :') 

Early mother's Day Celebration

So my family celebrated Mother's Day in advance because we had some scheduling issues. I realise that I'm terribly behind on my photolog but here are photographs from the night:

Ordered these beautiful gourmet cupcakes for the mothership because she loves flowers and cream. Sadly the flowers weren't made of cream which is what we initially thought. 

Peperoni's for dinner! It was really crowded but the food was good.

Quickly snapping a couple of pics before the food came (it took a while anyway).

Sis had pork ribs because she hates pasta and pizza (I know, what the hell). 

I had seafood marinara, it was so filling. 

Happy mummy

Good night! I just realised I didn't post any photographs of my dad but well, he was there and he was cool. Hahahaha (: 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Naked Museum

So early last month, I participated in a Facebook comment competition and won myself and Sam a trip to visit the newly renovated National Gallery - before the art installations fill it up. I was so excited because I love clean white spaces, glass, woodwork etc. It was a pretty magnificent tour (:

Marble pillars and woodwork all round. 

<3 _ <3

Hi birdie

Couldn't step into these rooms but I'm so in love with woodwork ahhhhh.

One of my favourites: Library. 

Last stop: Old prison cell! 

Sad that the visit came to end ): 

Boy was dying for a beer and got an especially huge one, I was starving so I had some pizza hehe. 

Met some qts for dinner at some cool burger place to try their salted egg burger. 

Om nom nom nom nom. 

I love this pic lol. 

Ended the night at Druggist with loads of beer & screaming while playing Heads Up!

Twas a good night :3