Thursday, September 20, 2018


A lot has transpired since I last wrote. It is becoming more apparent to me that I do not have the physical and mental capacity to update as often as I would like. It's strange because recording my thoughts can be equal parts cathartic and distressing, and that feeling is not an easy one. Still, I don't see myself leaving this space forever. The need to send these musings out into the void stays with me, and I sense that I will always return.

I have been under a lot of stress but I am also acutely aware of how blessed I am. I am doing my best to keep my head above the water and to just trust and believe that God knows what he's doing.

I have been trying to remind myself that who I am, and the things that happen to me, are not one and the same. Besides, I am but just another person in this vast universe - what could possibly happen to me that's worse than the sufferings of a million others?