Monday, April 24, 2017

Details of the Fire

A man with a bandage is in the middle of something.
Everyone understands this. Everyone wants a battlefield.
Red. And a little more red.
Accidents never happen when the room is empty.
Everyone understands this. Everyone needs a place.
People like to think war means something.
What can you learn from your opponent? More than you think.
Who will master this love? Love might be the wrong word.
Let’s admit, without apology, what we do to each other.
We know who our enemies are. We know.
- Richard Siken

19th February 2017: Room Prep

More breakfast for the parents and I. 

Shopping with mum who had to check out all the malls in the vicinity, I picked out a couple of last things for the room too. 

KFC for lunch 

Slaved over it for about 3 hours and it was finally ready. 

Met my neighbour! His name is Poochie and look at his adorable dogue harness :')

Off for dinner with Jon (and my parents) for the first time! 

The clams were sooooo good. I haven't had seafood in a while, miss it :'( 

Final pic of my room :') It's a little more cluttered now with work stuff and puppy stuff, but I still love it so much!


18th February 2017: Scarborough Beach x Casino

Had a super chill day. Slept in and slowly had breakfast before heading to the beach eachhh. 

Water was so clearrrrrr.

Our short genes didn't do too well in the deep waters hahaha. 

Back to Seashells for lunch and a snooze and then...

Bumming in the freezing (initially) pool with mummers. We then proceeded to take a shower and... snooze again lol. 

Visited this pier thingy, but I've completely forgotten what it's called/where it is. 

Very beautiful though, there were loads of children playing in the water. 

We headed to the Casino just to check it out, decided to have dinner there. 

Visited the fanciest Chinese restaurant I've ever been to in my life. 


The food was really good of course, but we were really paying more for the ambience and the decor I suppose. Waaaaay too fancy for me.

When it comes to a meal, the company is the most important part :3 


if I lie still enough
long enough
will my body melt the snow
will tulips and daffodils race up
expecting an early arrival of spring?
will our combined heat
convince the rest of the plants that it's spring?
if we lie here together
will we wake crocuses, make snowdrops unfurl
open bright crowns to herald the sun
shake Christmas roses awake?
if you make love to me, here, in the snow
on the hard-packed snow, on the frozen mud and ice
will the roots of this tree feel us move
will it unfurl tiny nubs of budded leaves
thinking that it's spring?

By Holly Day
QLRS Vol. 16 No. 1 Jan 2017

17th Feb 2017: Freo x Cottesloe x Seashells

Big hat to shield me from the brutal sun. 

Wooderful merchandise all the way here in Perth! 

My first time having lunch at Cicerello's! 

Shipwreck museum time! 

Drove down to Cottesloe just to walk down the shore. 

Stayed the night at Seashells which is pretty damn amazing. 

BBQ chicken for dinner? Yes pls.